Josef Kostner probably owes his continued interest in history and literature from his mother and the library she had in the house. Even as a child he read a lot, wrote poems, and kept observations in notebooks. His poetry selection “Cun lizënza” (With licence) was created from this collection in 2007.
In his lyrical works he processes childhood impressions, which were shaped by the war, experiences and feelings of a society changing due to the economic upswing. He holds up a mirror to the reader. In his poems he mercilessly reveals grievances and criticizes society's complacency. They are simple verses, sometimes set in rhyme, captivating simplicity and yet drastic irony - an expression of brilliant thinking. His poems speak of hypocrisy, the stupidity of the powerful and myopia of businessmen and opportunism. The decline of the Ladin mother tongue is also described in a melancholic way. With this connected he express the loss of identity that is progressing inexorably.
In 2010 the volume with collections of various stories and anecdotes "Zacan cuntovi" (Once told) was published. Josef Kostner patiently wrote down countless stories that he had heard on visits to numerous houses in Val Gardena. He was deeply rooted in local history and always looked for surviving traces of a once rural world. This book takes up the oral narrative - a document that not only wants to keep historical events and people in memory, but also reflects the very own way of expression of the Ladin language. As in his lyrical works, Kostner first seeks the content, the "truth of life". Only then does he give it the “form”.
“My poems, which I sometimes wrote in the Ladin language, all deal with the theme of the environment and the disappearance of all ideals. Whenever my poems were published by my friends, I was always afraid of negative reactions, which were not absent either".
Another great work is his collection of old terms of toponomastics, names of fields and farm names. A declaration of love to his homeland, which Josef Kostner describes with a touch of bitterness: "I spent many days on pastures and silence to question the last shepherds. It has always depressed me deeply how our greatest values - our homeland and our ancient culture - are being destroyed and sacrificed to greed.”
Cialé y purvé
de ti la fé
a duc chëi ch’la va
decà y delà
dessot y dessëura
da uni ëura
dant y do su
per avëi po deplù
da lascé da arpé
canche t’es da cherpé!
Audio file
For scuté, la mans viadò,
nia pansé, mé for dì do
chël che t’univa dit dant
da vel’ pitl acort o vel’ grant,
n puni tl nes da vel’ nazist
o n pe tl cul da vel’ fazist,
se stanië l sanch cun nëif dlaceda
y sté chiet te banch
cun la musa plateda!
Audio poesia en
Cun lizënza,
possen pa mo rujené gherdëina tlo da vo?
Savëis bën,
ntlëuta n’ons mparà vel’ d’auter.
Ie ve priëss’ bën bel
sce fussais tan bon
y che pudess’ ve l dì per gherdëina.
Canche nëus ne son plu,
n’ëis plu drë de audì chësc rujené.
Savëis bën,
nëus son mo mpue da zacan,
scusëis bën!
Mo n valgun ani,
po saral bën na fin.
Savon bën, che ne l audieis gën.
Sambën, arëis bën rejon,
l sarà bën drët coche vo ulëis,
coche ëis for ulù.
Mpue de pazienza,
mo n valgun ani.
Śën ntant priessi bën bel,
cun lizënza,
sce pudëss’ mo ve dì chësc per gherdëina;
po uniral bën miec,
ëis’a bën rejon,
sciche l’ëis for abuda
- mo chisc trëi vedli, tlo bën.
I jëuni ve fej pa bën al sënn –
arëis bën mo mpue de pazienza,
cun lizënza!
Udëi y nia pudëi
audì y nia savëi
dlutì y nia bradlé
streflé y jemé
julé bas
fanc de duc
puere respuc
Grob Welsche
Austriach o Tudësch
Tirol o Talian
Belun o Bulsan
prëibel dijëde vo
chi che son
y ulache tucon!
Do cëina te cësadafuech, tiebia,
sentei pra mëisa;
sëura nëus na lum cun n pëir da sessanta.
Chiet iel; mé l’ëura auden jan;
unitant n spëich che pëta te cianton de mëisa.
La fëna fej scapins al mënder,
che s’la dorm bon saurì te stua.
Ie che scrije chësta trëi paroles da nia,
da nia y da puech,
da puech y da uni di,
zeche, che suzed dlonch y uni di.
Mé l culëur cueciun dla mëisa che m’adorba
y me stancia i uedli.
Me sfrëie n uedl y cële sul’ëura:
l ie la diesc;
y nsci pënsen nce de se n jì bel plan a durmì,
bon saurì o no,
nfin duman daduman…
Scioldo beat, scioldo sant
scioldo santiscimo
santes vo da diesc
mo plu vo da cënt
a vo da mile luna n cërtl
a vo da diescmile n pustamënt
a chëles da cëntmile, pustamënt ghilga y cërtl.
Milions, ideal, fin, scopo dla vita!
Lauron, rafon y crazon nfin che pudon
nchegonse de giustizia, amor y ciarità!
Cun scioldi ruven pra roba
cun roba pra scioldi
perchël chël che roba, roba arà,
y scioldi ne mancerà
canche l unirà
l setëur cun la fauc taienta
y zënza damandé te tuleral
messan lascé dut da arpé y strité
nchina che ti avëi sarà inò sparcantà
y a n auter rafvus passà!
L vën mumënc che ne sé
sce ie son mo ie
chël ie, che fova plën de ueia y speranza
plën de amor y legrëza
chël ie, che fova dut autramënter
de chël ie che son śën
chël ie, che ne crëia plu a dut,
śën me sà che son n auter ie
y mpo sons l medemo
ie cële a mi mans y vëije
che son mpo mo l ie da ntlëuta
me recunësce a chël snegher
dlongia l polesc ju
a chël dëit taià via
ma a vel’d’auter
ne me cunescësse bën plu nia!
Trac su a ulghé y scuté,
a lauré y se lascé trapulé,
a se lascé cumandé y ciacé.
Usei che dut chël che n à dit o fat
ie da macaron y da musciat
falà y piciadrà.
For avëi tëma da striches dala urëdles
da maldescion y castich
da busc y perjon
da purgatuere o l infiern
da maestri y pulitiganc
da chëi dai scioldi o dai granc.
Da se fé marueia
che se nfidon merë mo a viver!
Pitli picëi, gran picëi,
picëi veniëi, picëi murtei,
picëi che svëia vendëta al ciel,
picëi pistei, picëi scutei,
picëi arpei o purdenei,
n cuer plën de picëi,
n mastl de picëi,
n ste de picëi,
n ceston o na biena,
n luech mpiciadrà,
na val mpiciadreda,
danter aslonch y Fermeda!
Tlo bën adide
Bon di
chël dëssen dì
ie bën saurì da dì.
Ma canche tlo bën
un che sta te Gherdëina
da vint ani y nce deplù
y che l ne sà mo no da dì Bon di
tlo bën
o che l ie da totl
o che l ie n ciavon
ma n dur!
Cun lizënza,
possen pa mo rujené gherdëina tlo da vo?
Savëis bën,
ntlëuta n’ons mparà vel’ d’auter.
Ie ve priëss’ bën bel
sce fussais tan bon
y che pudess’ ve l dì per gherdëina.
Canche nëus ne son plu,
n’ëis plu drë de audì chësc rujené.
Savëis bën,
nëus son mo mpue da zacan,
scusëis bën!
Mo n valgun ani,
po saral bën na fin.
Savon bën, che ne l audieis gën.
Sambën, arëis bën rejon,
l sarà bën drët coche vo ulëis,
coche ëis for ulù.
Mpue de pazienza,
mo n valgun ani.
Śën ntant priessi bën bel,
cun lizënza,
sce pudëss’ mo ve dì chësc per gherdëina;
po uniral bën miec,
ëis’a bën rejon,
sciche l’ëis for abuda
- mo chisc trëi vedli, tlo bën.
I jëuni ve fej pa bën al sënn –
arëis bën mo mpue de pazienza,
cun lizënza!
L`oma ladina
uel scri ite si mut
te Scuola elementare o Volksschule
de Ortisei – Urtijëi – St. Ulrich,
ma i ne sa sot a cie categurìa
che i dë`l scri ite:
sce ladin- italiano o ladin – deutsch
o italiano – ladin chësc pitl bambin
o deutsch – ladin o Deutschtirol
o Welschtirol o Südtirol
o Süddeutschland o Baiern
o Alpenvorland o Hinterland
o Alto Adige o Italia del Nord
o Ladin blòt o Deutsch o Italiano!
Po s l tol-ela bel rëit pra la man
Y se l porta inò a cësa per n ann!
L oma Ladina